Personally, I don't like FAQs. They're time-consuming to weed through and typically don't answer my specific question. If you want personal help, feel free to drop us a note (using the Contact Us page) or call 262-783-4800 ext.10 during normal business hours.
With that said, we have provided a few FAQs below.
Thomas J D'Amico
Frequently Asked Questions:
Should my flag be at half-staff now?
Click > current flag status for complete listing of federal and state half-staff proclamations.
Who can officially declare half-staff event?
With few exceptions only the president of the United States and state Governors can issue half-staff proclamation.
How do you comply with a half-staff proclamation on a 6 ft. flag set on a house?
The accepted solution is to tie a long black ribbon to the top of the flagpole allowing it to drape over the American flag.
How do you comply with a half-staff proclamation on a TELESCOPING FLAGPOLE?
We have 2 suggestions: if you're flying two flags, remove the lower flag and move the American flag to the lower position. The flag will be a little higher than half-staff, but at least you've shown an effort to comply.
The other acceptable solution is to tie a long black ribbon to the top of the flagpole allowing it to drape over the American flag.
Someone at our company/schools/etc. has died. Can we have a personal American flag half-staff in their honor?
No, but you can move the company flag to half-staff.
Our state governor has issued a state flag half-staff proclamation. The American flag and state flag are on the same halyard (rope) so we can't lower one without the other. What do we do?
Many state capital buildings have the same problem so they lower both the U.S. and state flag together, even if the governor has specified only the state flag. In our opinion, it has become an acceptable practice to lower both if you cannot lower the state flag individually.